Saturday, April 5, 2008

What is in Name?

As Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakatuhu

Do you know what is the word for NAME in arabic? It is ISMUN.

So with whose name do you begin doing Wudhu (# wazu # ablution)? With Allaah's name, right?

What do you say then (do pronounce it)? Yeah! That's right!


Can you see ISM there? (Wait a minute! What happened to Alif? It is hidden)

This was to make it easy for you to remember it. Now, let us proceed...

There are two kinds of ISM :

1) Which is general and doesn't points to a particular entity.

For example, consider this statement: Bring me a book.

Which book is being talked about? It's not clear, it can be any book, right!

This kind of ISM is called ISMun NAKIRATUN (if you stop at last alphabet it will be pronounced as ISMUN NAKIRAH).

NAKIRun means something Not known or little known (observe the N, for easy remembrance).

2) Second type is one which is known or points to a definite entity.


Note that 'THE' makes a general ISM particular, i.e when you say 'THE BOOK' you know about which book you are talking about.

So BOOK or CAMEL here is no more NAKIRun but has become MA'ROOF (known) (A' is for Ain) due to ' THE '.

This kind of ISM is called ISMun MA'RIFATun (if you stop then ISMun MA'RIFAH).
By the way what is the word for 'THE' in arabic? Can you guess?

(Answer in next post, Insha Allaah. Hint: Opening of Qur'aan)

This diagram summarizes what we have learnt in this post...