Thursday, March 27, 2008

Lets do some mathematics

As Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakatuhu
Lets use some mathematics to learn two very important words, namely Mother and Father!

What is the word in urdu (with simple pronounciation)am I correct? Okay then let us ARABIFY the word Ma. In the first step, we will pass the word through Arabic Filter (AF), which will filter out non-arabic alphabets.

(since PA sound is not there in Arabic)

Now take the inverse of this outcome.

But since mother is more emotional, add a TASHDEED to Meem and RAF' (Oo sound) to Alif, so we get UMMUN and ABUN (ofcourse the un sound is default).

Did you find it difficult? Go through it again, is easy!

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